Storks are back! What a great pleasure to spot them immediately after our arrival in Zasavica Nature Reserve, a short taxi ride South of Sremski Mitrovica! We had been missing them all winter, now they are busy restoring their nests, while food noisily sits in the swamps just below: a chorus of a million frogs!
The Zasavica nature reserve is run by the Municipality of Sremski Mitrovica, and among else they specialize on old breeds of farm animals! Looking at this black big (Gulash made of it is superb) we had not yet any idea that females are very defensive, and Mama had to fence off two attacks of a mother during our later to follow hike, with ET bravely standing behind kicking her leg!
We soon spotted the well sign posted hike along the open wide plane, grazed by old breeds of donkeys, long horned cows, Balkan horses and above said pigs! Taking about 2h with ET, we ended up in Zasavica village 1, where we were picked up by our trusted taxi driver again! Very, very nice hike!
However, before venturing out we had to have a very good lunch in the Etno Kuja!
Farewell from Sremski Mitroviza on a Swing next to the beautiful new pedestrian bridge accross Sava, and once more successful in hunting...
...another great map in our bag!
After having caught the last bust from Sremski Mitrovica to Beograd for the day at 19.15, I cosy dinner in front of the fire was more than deserved for little strong leg owners!