After an aborted attempt some weekends earlier, we finally set off for the three-day weekend in Obedska Bara (, a magnificent wetland that encompasses a huge ancient bend in the River Sava. Instead of following the meandering bends of the river, along the flood banks, we instead took a more direct line. Following two weeks of heavy rain we inevitably encountered mud during one section.
Upon entering Kupinovo two Stork nests overlook the road.
From Kupinovo the road runs round to the North following the ancient bend. Partway along is the first of three viewing platforms.
In Obrez, where we stayed overnight, the houses were adorned by some interesting figures.
Sunday morning, pre breakfast, we ventured out into the channel to observe the birds - herons, storks, egrets, etc.
Obedska Bara Hotel. A somewhat rundown Yugoslav legacy but with welcoming and generous staff who looked after us well. As a base to discover Obedska Bara it is perfect, with a great terrace on which to eat breakfast or dinner while you listen to the dawn and evening choruses, a mix of birds and frogs.
In Kupinovo a derelict church now provides a home for three Stork families.
A little further down the road at the entrance to the reserve is the Ethno House and Restaurant. It has another viewing platform, and a mix of traditional houses.
From Kupinovo on Sunday we rode back to Obrez through the reserve on easy gravel roads. Feral pigs roam everywhere, and signs of deer are visible. There is both natural Oak forest and Poplar plantations.
As ever, Ella Tili took the conditions in her stride!
And then went fishing... Lent a rod by three men.
We celebrated with a slightly larger fish for dinner
After a second breakfast in Kupinovo we waved farewell to the storks and headed home.
Approaching Belgrade we returned hors piste to the Fenek Monastery to buy beeswax candles. It coincided with the arrival of a heavy thunderstorm so we were offered refuge, hot coffee and fresh bread.